What is the average annual gain of Berkshire from 1965-2001??
13 months ago
What is the average annual gain of Berkshire from 1965-2001??
The average annual gain of Berkshire from 1965-2001 is 22.6%.
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What is the key asset of Fruit of the Loom according to the context?
13 months ago
What is the key asset of Fruit of the Loom according to the context?
The key assets of Fruit of the Loom are John Holland, the CEO, and the brand itself.
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What is the business model of Berkshire Hathaway?
13 months ago
What is the business model of Berkshire Hathaway?
Berkshire Hathaway's business model is to increase the value of the excellent businesses they have, add new businesses of similar quality, and issue shares only grudgingly.
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What is the main business of Berkshire Hathaway?
13 months ago
What is the main business of Berkshire Hathaway?
The main business of Berkshire Hathaway is insurance.
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What was Berkshire's loss in net worth during 2001?
13 months ago
What was Berkshire's loss in net worth during 2001?
Berkshire's loss in net worth during 2001 was $3.77 billion.
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What is the growth rate of per-share book value since the present management took over?
13 months ago
What is the growth rate of per-share book value since the present management took over?
The growth rate of per-share book value since the present management took over is 22.6% compounded annually.
Did this answer your question?
What is the average annual gain of Berkshire from 1965-2001??
What is the key asset of Fruit of the Loom according to the context?
What is the business model of Berkshire Hathaway?
What is the main business of Berkshire Hathaway?
What was Berkshire's loss in net worth during 2001?
What is the growth rate of per-share book value since the present management took over?